Emojily - Privacy Policy
Thank you for using Emojily. This policy is here to help you understand if your information is being collected and in what way it is used. Your privacy is important to us and we take it seriously.
Let us start by saying, we do not collect, read or do anything with your private information. In order to use the Emojily 3rd party keyboard, users are required to allow "full access". We understand that there may be concern that we may be reading something that you have typed. That will never happen. We simply do not read, view or save anything that you have typed on your keyboard. Apple and Google requires us to allow "full access" to the 3rd party keyboard before it will function properly.
To sum it up, we do not access any of your information. If you have any concerns or questions, free free to email emojily@zepni.com and we would be happy to reply you.